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Instant Concrete Crack Repair

CretePro 500


Foot Traffic In 10 Minutes | Heavy Traffic In 1 Hour  

This instant concrete crack repair quickly and easily repairs hairline cracks, holes, uneven slabs, thresholds, and spalling in concrete floors. CretePro 500 cannot be beat for fast setting time, making it ideal for highly trafficked areas such as warehouses, garages, sidewalks, and industrial areas. It’s a powerful, quick-setting compound that’s ready to apply on site and can take on even heavy equipment within one hour of curing time.

CretePro 500’s excellent impact resistance and extremely strong tensile strength make it ideal for repairing areas that take a beating from vehicles, forklifts, carts, and other equipment. Easy application enables you to correct uneven slabs and smooth out rough transitions without losing time or rerouting foot traffic for more than ten minutes. Homeowners find CretePro 500 a durable, no-fuss solution to driveway cracks, patio spalling, garage cracks, uneven thresholds, and cracked basement flooring. This instant concrete crack repair effectively handles areas that demand high bond and tensile strength, such as manufacturing plants, sports arenas, parking lots, and warehouse floors.

Use to repair:

  • Hairline and other concrete cracks
  • Spalled concrete flooring
  • Uneven slabs or thresholds
  • Not recommended for expansion joints

Why use CretePro 500?

  • Very fast curing time
  • Easily bears heavy equipment within 30-60 minutes
  • Easy application with 300ml dual cartridge system or 2-gal and 10-gal kits
  • Self-priming polymer with no top coat required
  • Excellent abrasion and impact resistance

Specially formulated from a hybrid epoxy, CretePro 500 easily fills unsightly cracks using a two-component 100% solids polymer packaged in a dual cartridge system or 2-gallon or 10-gallon kits. Paired with a dry sand aggregate, CretePro 500 can handle even wide concrete cracks and holes with a speed to match the pace of your workspace.

Instant concrete crack repair becomes quick and easy with CretePro 500’s dual cartridges, mixing the two components into a self-priming liquid through a static mixing nozzle. Retainer nut, end cap, applicator tool and flow control valve are included, ready to be assembled at the repair site. The dual cartridges are sold individually, each set covers approximately 100 feet of ¼” x ¼” cracks. Two-gallon and ten-gallon kits are also available for large-scale projects. Once cured, CretePro 500 turns to concrete gray, blending with existing flooring.

CretePro 500 sets up very quickly (with a pot life of 1-4 minutes) calling for swift application to one small work area at a time. Site preparation is simple, requiring only a worksite free of debris and dust. We recommend storing CretePro500 and any necessary aggregate at room temperature to ensure maximum adhesion. For wide or deep cracks, pair CretePro 500 with a dry sand aggregate at a 1:1 mix ratio. Instant concrete crack repair is also possible at lower temperatures— apply CretePro 500 in temperatures as low as 20°F or as high as 90°F. Lower temperatures do require extra curing time.

As CretePro 500 can handle light foot traffic within ten minutes, and heavy equipment within 30-60 minutes, choose fast-acting CretePro 500 wherever speed, durability, and no-nonsense application is needed. This instant concrete crack repair quickly sets to get you and your equipment back to work.

We at Superior welcome your questions and inquiries. Call us anytime toll free at 800-476-2072