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FiberCrete Repair



Packaging 50 lb units
Gray Powder
Odor No odor
Chemical Type Mixture
Physical State Solid
Flammability Non-flammable
Toxicity Toxic
Yield 0.55 cu. ft. per 50 lb unit
Mixing Ratio One 50 lb. unit to 1 gal. water (max) or approx. 1 gal latex additive
Density (Wet Mix) 106 lbs./cu. ft. (1.70 kg/l)
Working Time (@ 73°F, 23°C, and 50% R.H) Approx. 30 minutes
Finishing Time (@ 73°F, 23°C, and 50% R.H) 2-3 hours (initial set)
Compressive Strength (ASTM C-1090) @ 1 day 2,500 psi (17.2MPa) (with our without latex)
Compressive Strength (ASTM C-1090) @ 28 days 5,000 psi (34.5MPa) (with our without latex)
Flexural Strength (ASTM C-293) @ 28 days 800 psi (5.5MPa) or 1,400 psi (9.7MPa) with latex
Bond Strength (ASTM C-882 modified) @ 28 days 1,000 psi (6.8MPa) or 1,800 psi (12.4MPa) with latex
Flash Point >200°F (93°C)
Autoignition Temperature N/A
Application Temperature Range Store dry at 40°F-90°F (4°C-35°C). Condition material to 65°F-75°F (18°C-24°C) before using.
Vapor Pressure N/A
Vapor Density N/A
Specific Gravity 3 g/ml
Percent Volatiles N/A
Solubility N/A
Material Stability Stable
Conditions To Avoid None known
Hazardous Decomposition Products None known
Extinguishing Media Water spray (fog) foam, dry chemical, CO2
Fire And Explosion Hazards None known
Shelf Life 1 year in original, unopened packaging

How To Use


Concrete, mortar, and masonry products.

Surface Preparation

Concrete/Mortar: Remove all deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, grease, and all bond-inhibiting materials from surface. Preparation work should be done by high pressure water blast, scabbler or other appropriate mechanical means to obtain an exposed aggregate surface profile of ±1/16-in. (CSP-5). Substrate should be saturated surface dry (SSD) with no standing water during application.

Reinforcing Steel: Steel reinforcement should be thoroughly prepared by mechanical cleaning to remove all traces of rust. Where corrosion has occurred due to the presence of chlorides, the steel should be high pressure washed with clean water after mechanical cleaning. Prime.

Concrete Substrate: Prime the prepared substrate with a brush applied coat. Alternately, a scrub coat of can be applied prior to placement of the mortar. The repair mortar has to be applied into the wet scrub coat before it dries.

Mixing for 50 lb. Unit

With water: Pour ¾ of one gallon of water into the mixing container. Add powder while mixing continuously. Mix mechanically with a low-speed drill (400-600 rpm) and mixing paddle or in an appropriate mortar mixer. Add more water to obtain desired consistency of the mortar. Do not exceed one gallon per bag. Mix to uniform consistency, maximum 3 minutes. Manual mixing can be tolerated only for less than a full unit. Thorough mixing and proper proportioning is necessary.

With Latex: For polymer modification, a latex additive may be used. Pour 4/5 of 1 gallon of latex additive into the mixing container. Slowly add powder while continuing to mix mechanically as above. Adjust latex additive to obtain the desired consistency.

Application & Finish

FiberCrete Repair can be applied either by hand or wet spray process equipment. The mixed FiberCrete Repair must be worked well into the primed substrate, filling all pores and voids. Compact well. Force material against edge of repair working towards the center. Thoroughly compact the mortar around exposed reinforcement. After filling repair, consolidate, then screed. Finish with steel, wood, plastic floats, or damp sponges, depending on the desired surface texture. Where multiple lifts are required, score top surface on each lift to produce a roughened substrate for next lift. Allow preceding lift to harden before applying fresh material. Saturate surface of the lift with clean water. If previous layers are over 48 hours old, mechanically prepare the substrate and dampen.


As per ACI recommendations for Portland cement concrete, curing is required. Moist cure with wet burlap and polyethylene, a fine mist of water or a water based* compatible curing compound. Curing compounds adversely affect the adhesion of following lifts of mortar, leveling mortar or protective coatings. Moist curing should commence immediately after finishing. Protect freshly applied mortar from direct sunlight, wind, rain and frost.* Pre-testing of curing compound is recommended.

Application Tips

  • Proper concrete surface preparation is key in ensuring a successful repair. Clean the repair area by removing all loose and deteriorated concrete, dirt, oil, and other bond-inhibiting materials from the surface. Make sure that all smooth surfaces have been roughened prior to applying the repair material. This ensures a long-lasting bond.
  • Pre-wet the surface with clean water just prior to application. Make sure the repair area is damp, but leave no standing water.
  • Remember to always wear waterproof gloves and safety goggles whenever mixing or using cement-based products.
  • Avoid creating a soupy mixture by using too much water while mixing the mortar.
  • Only mix up an amount of material that will be needed for a specific repair and leave the unused material in a tightly closed, upright container.
  • Apply when the surface temperature will be above 45°F (7°C) for more than 24 hours.
  • Protect all repair areas from rain, wind, and direct sunlight while curing. If bad weather conditions are expected, cover the repair area for 24 hours with a plastic polyethylene film.
  • Clean tools immediately after use with water. Once cured, repair materials can only be removed by mechanical means


  • Application thickness: Minimum: With water: 1/4 inch (6 mm). With latex additive: 1/8” (3 mm). Maximum in one lift: 3 inches (75 mm) vertical. 1.5 inches (38 mm) overhead.
  • Minimum ambient and surface temperatures 45°F (7°C) and rising at time of application.
  • Do not use solvent based curing compounds.



Skin / Eye / Respiratory Irritant. Avoid breathing dust. Dust may cause respiratory tract irritation. May cause delayed lung injury (silicosis).

Warning: This product contains crystalline silica, which in the state of California, is known to cause cancer.

First Aid

Eyes: Rinse thoroughly with water a minimum of 15 minutes. Consult a physician. Skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. Consult a physician. Ingestion: Dilute with water. Consult a physician. In all cases, if symptoms persist contact a physician.

Handling and Storage

Avoid contact. Wear suitable personal protective equipment (chemical resistant goggles / gloves / clothing). Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Use in the presence of adequate ventilation. In the absence of adequate ventilation, wear a properly fitted NIOSH respirator. Uncured material can be removed with water. Cured material can only be removed mechanically. Store in a cool, dry area. Keep bag tightly closed.

Clean Up

In case of spill, wear protective equipment (chemical resistant gloves / goggles / clothing). Ventilate area. In the absence of adequate ventilation, use a properly fitted NIOSH respirator. Confine spill. Vacuum or scoop into an appropriate container. Dispose of in accordance with current applicable local, state and federal regulations. In case of emergency, call CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300. 703-527-3887 (outside USA & Canada).